"use strict";
* @fileOverview Provides easy access to the system bus and provides some helper methods for doing so
* @module mixins/bussable
* @requires postal
* @requires lodash
* @requires base
var bus = require( "postal" );
var Base = require( "../base" );
var sys = require( "lodash" );
* @classDesc Provides easy access to the system bus and provides some helper methods for doing so
* @exports mixins/bussable
* @mixin
var Bussable = Base.compose( [Base], /** @lends mixins/bussable# */{
declaredClass : "mixins/Bussable",
constructor : function () {
* The list of subscriptions maintained by the mixin
* @type {Array}
* @memberof mixins/bussable#
* @name _subscriptions
* @private
this._subscriptions = {};
this.log.trace( "Bussable constructor" );
* Subscribe to an event
* @param {string} channel The channel to subscribe to
* @param {string} topic The topic to subscribe to
* @param {callback} [callback] What to do when you get the event
* @returns {object} The subscription definition
subscribe : function ( channel, topic, callback ) {
this.log.trace( "Bussable subscribe" );
var sub = bus.subscribe( {channel : channel, topic : topic, callback : callback} );
this.subscriptions[channel + "." + topic] = sub;
return sub;
* Subscribe to an event once
* @param {string} channel The channel to subscribe to
* @param {string} [topic] The topic to subscribe to
* @param {callback} [callback] What to do when you get the event
* @returns {object} The subscription definition
once : function ( channel, topic, callback ) {
this.log.trace( "Bussable once" );
var sub = this.subscribe( channel, topic, callback );
this.subscriptions[channel + "." + topic] = sub;
sub.disposeAfter( 1 );
return sub;
* Publish an event on the system bus
* @param {string} [channel='2'] The channel to publish to
* @param {string} [topic=1] The topic to publish to
* @param {object} [options={}] What to pass to the event
* @param {boolean} [options.ha=2] Test sub prop
publish : function ( channel, topic, options ) {
this.log.trace( "Bussable publish" );
bus.publish( {channel : channel, topic : topic, data : options} );
* Get a subscription definition
* @param {string} channel
* @param {string} topic
* @returns {object=} The subscription definition
getSubscription : function ( channel, topic ) {
this.log.trace( "Bussable getSubscription" );
return this.subscriptions[channel + "." + topic];
* Gets rid of all subscriptions for this object.
* @private
destroy : function () {
this.log.trace( "Bussable destroy" );
sys.each( this.subscriptions, function ( sub ) {
} );
} );
module.exports = Bussable;